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Color has announced an expansion of its Virtual Cancer Clinic, designed to provide direct and proactive care from diagnosis to survivorship. Read the latest coverage from Fierce Healthcare.

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Screening is just the beginning. That’s why we’re expanding support from diagnosis management through remission.


We’re entering a new era of cancer care in America.

In 2024, new cancer diagnoses are predicted to reach a record-high 2 million in the U.S., and 2 in 5 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

Yet despite the growing risk, people still face major barriers to cancer prevention, diagnosis, and care. The U.S. medical system still prioritizes “sick care” over true “healthcare,” meaning care for the majority of people most often occurs after they are determined to be sick and when that care is more costly and more complex. And people are typically forced to navigate their care journeys alone. 

The majority of people (65%) are not up to date on cancer screenings; even if they try to take proactive action, it takes 70 days on average to first be seen at academic medical centers. And by the time of treatment, the costs of later-stage cancer care have escalated exponentially: Medical expenses are 5x greater for survivors than they are for employees without a history of cancer.

For employers and labor unions, who provide healthcare coverage for nearly half of all Americans, supporting the entire cancer care journey is no longer just nice to have. It’s a necessity. That’s why we’re expanding our cancer prevention and screening program into an end-to-end comprehensive cancer solution, in partnership with the American Cancer Society.

To make a true impact on outcomes and cost, employers must take a two-pronged approach to cancer management:

  1. Help employees catch cancer earlier through evidence-based and covered interventions. While 8 in 10 employers are spending more time — and dollars — on post-diagnosis treatment and care, we know that preventative efforts like ensuring adherence to routine screenings and early detection are the key to unlocking a 2-3x improval in survival rate and an average of $52K saved per person in their first year of treatment.
  1. Navigate employees through treatment with comprehensive care from diagnosis to remission. For people who receive a positive diagnosis, their cancer journey is just beginning. Employers that proactively offer guidance, support, and resources along the way can help to expedite the recovery process and reduce dollars spent on duplicative or unnecessary treatments.

Now more than ever, taking control of cancer requires a comprehensive approach. Our newly expanded cancer care solution, designed and deployed in partnership with the American Cancer Society and other leaders in business and healthcare outcomes, helps employers and labor unions ensure their employees receive the support they deserve throughout five key stages of the cancer journey:

  1. Education that improves awareness and engagement
  2. Cancer screening that is easy, accessible, and proactive
  3. Diagnosis management to shorten the waiting period
  4. Cancer care that provides clinical, mental, and logistical support
  5. Survivorship to better support employees in remission

As part of the expanded program, Color is also running a first-of-its-kind Virtual Cancer Clinic, bringing together an in-house clinical care team, nationwide imaging network, and robust patient support program to help employees navigate our cumbersome medical system.

Today, there’s no single care team dedicated to cancer at every step of the journey. Employers and labor unions have a unique opportunity to take the initiative and bridge the care gap. Ensuring employees can access the care they need, when and where they need it, leads to an average $20K decrease in cost of cancer care per case, 30% lower screening costs, and 50% reduced absenteeism in the workplace.

The business case for better cancer care is clear: When organizations invest in the health of their workforce, they also invest in the health of their business.