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Color has announced an expansion of its Virtual Cancer Clinic, designed to provide direct and proactive care from diagnosis to survivorship. Read the latest coverage from Fierce Healthcare.

Color’s AI copilot helps healthcare providers improve cancer screening and care.

Color is designing new AI use cases to equip providers with specialized cancer knowledge that helps inform care plans and reduce time to treatment.

Color Health and OpenAI

Developed in collaboration with OpenAI and powered by GPT-4o

Color’s copilot tool makes it easier for healthcare providers to access trusted guidelines and sources in the context of patient data. This supports them in making evidence-based decisions about cancer screening and treatment for their patients, using a secure, HIPAA-compliant tool within their workflows.

Learn more about our collaboration with OpenAI below.

How Color’s copilot assists healthcare providers and patients

By improving the quality of cancer screening recommendations

Many cancers have a high survival rate when detected early. Yet, individuals at increased risk of developing cancer often do not start screening at the right time according to risk-adjusted guidelines—because they do not get that recommendation from their doctor.

Color’s copilot tool makes it faster for clinicians to create a cancer screening plan on the basis of a patient’s health data and risk factors, using evidence-based guidelines.

By helping newly diagnosed patients start treatment faster

Time to cancer treatment is impacted by an oncologist’s ability to create an informed treatment plan for their patient. In most cases, patients may wait weeks for an initial oncology appointment, and then still need additional testing and workup done before treatment can start.

Our copilot extracts, processes, and normalizes patient data, clinical guidelines, and other trusted data to help identify missing diagnostics in a patient’s workup. The clinician-in-the-loop reviews this information, edits or accepts the results, and can help initiate those workups, so that a patient can show up to their first oncology appointment with their diagnostic information as complete as possible.

How healthcare providers are using Color’s AI tools

Color Medical’s clinical team

Color Medical clinicians are beginning to leverage the copilot in their workflows to support patients. Our approach focuses on ensuring every patient gets the right cancer screening at the right time, and that we reduce the chances that any newly diagnosed patient we see experiences delays in initiating treatment.

Leading health systems, cancer centers, and oncologists

Color is working with select healthcare partners on pilot programs. Let us know if you’re interested in learning more at